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How to eat more environmentally friendly!

By 3 januari, 2020No Comments

Do you, like us, find it difficult to know what you should and should not put in your shopping cart? There is a whole bunch of us who wants to try to eat more environmentally friendly, but it is not always easy to keep track of what is good and not good…

How should we think? Is it ok to eat meat and fish and how good is the organic food really? We have gathered some tips on how to be a little more environmentally friendly when it comes to food.

Use vegetables as your base food

Vegetables, fruits and berries are good for both you and the environment. Vegetables such as root vegetables, cabbage, onions are full of good nutrients, can be stored for a long time and are extra climate smart. Beans, lentils and peas are really good as a protein source.

Potatoes and cereal products have a relatively low environmental impact. Choose potatoes, oatmeal, wheat or similar instead of rice as the rice crops cause much greater emissions. However, potatoes are the crop that is most sprayed with pesticides in Sweden, so choose organic potatoes.

Meat & fish

Shop meat, fish and dairy products with care. Start by thinking about the amount, down-size on your meat consumption. It benefits both your health and the environment. Then choose organic meat and dairy products and contribute to better animal health and the spread of less toxins and fertilizers. You also contribute to a healthier nature.

When it comes to seafood, keep an eye on the labels MSC, ASC and KRAV, then you get fish from stocks that are not being eradicated. Fish is healthy but unfortunately there are some species that contain hazardous toxins and are not good to eat too often.

Cooking fat

Reduce the amount of butter and use rapeseed oil and olive oil. Butter causes greater greenhouse gas emissions.

Choose organic food

Organic products mean that far fewer toxins are used, which also means cleaner water and more vital bees, insects, plants and animals. Organic products also reduce the risk for the workers on the crops to suffer from various diseases due to toxins. In addition, you do not have to worry about the remains of the poison in your food.

Eat by season

With seasonal thinking you become more climate smart, you save money and you get better products.

Plan your purchases – Throw less food

One third of all food is thrown away, that’s not ok! Write a shopping list and avoid impulse purchases. Use leftovers and keep track of the durability of the food. Trust your senses, watch, smell and taste before you throw away.


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